
Provided aid report: February 2025

Date Name Year of birth Aid description Aid value
12.02.2025 Jevgenija Varaže 1941 Laboratory Examination of Blood Eur 6.20
12.02.2025 Andrejs Naudišs 1960 Laboratory Examination of Blood Eur 4.00
12.02.2025 Valentīna Rostoka 1952 Patient’s fee Eur 28.00
12.02.2025 Ināra Ārija Seļivoņenko 1947 Patient’s fee Eur 28.00
12.02.2025 Eleonora Trusle 1941 Specialist`s consultation Eur 39.00
19.02.2025 Marina Barbosova 1937 Patient’s fee Eur 2.00
19.02.2025 Ivans Iļjinskis 1941 Patient’s fee Eur 2.00
19.02.2025 Anatolijs Hamovs 1950 Patient’s fee Eur 2.00
19.02.2025 Sergejs Žugunovs 1957 Patient’s fee Eur 2.00
20.02.2025 Ludmila Polozova 1944 Patient’s fee Eur 2.00
Donations received during the month: Eur 115.20
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