Outpatient hospital „Mozums-1” offers free of charge dermatologist’s consultations
On May 7, in the context of Euromelanoma day, Outpatient hospital „Mozums-1” invites to have free of charge consultations of the dermatologist’s Agnese Portnaja.
Each year skin cancer becomes more and more widespread. One of the main factors causing the melanoma (skin cancer), is an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation (sun, solarium) received during all life.
In order to draw attention to this problem, every year both in Europe, and Latvia are organized special events, aimed at early detection and prevention of skin cancer.
It is important to know:
• Children must be protected from the sun starting from an early age. Sunburns received in childhood have an extremely negative impact on the development of cancer in the future.
• Intensive tanning before the age of 35 increases the risk of cancer by 75%.
• People with light skin, blond hair, and blue or green eyes must be cautious with tanning.
• Special attention should pay those, have many pigmented spots since childhood, and those who spend most of their time outside, e.g. builders, gardeners, farm workers, etc.
The most important skin cancer preventive measure is reduction of UV radiation and timely diagnosis. People over 40 must pay additional attention to the condition of their skin, because UV radiation, obtained in a lifetime is being summarized.
Free of charge consultations will be provided by the Outpatient hospital’s “Mozums-1” chief physician, dermatologist and venerologist Angese Protnaja.
Consultations will take place at the Outpatient hospital “Mozums-1” (Riga, Bruninieku Str. 8 ) on May 7, 2012, from 12 pm till 3 pm. Prior appointment is required 67273435.
Additional information about Outpatient hospital’s “Mozums-1” services on Internet – www.mozums1.lv.
Mediciniska Firma "Dziednieciba" (MFD) - part of MFD Healthcare Group - started its rich history more than 50 years ago. Nowadays MFD is one of the largest Latvian medical companies, which provides a wide range of medical services to more than 350’000 patients in different locations in Riga and Latvia.