Donations could be made in two ways:
1. Through a tranfer to the MFD charity account
Registration Nr: LV40003074548
Address: Rusonu 15, Riga, LV-1057, Latvia.
Bank account for receiving donations:
Bank: SEB bank, Latvia
While filling up the form, please be sure to state “Donation” in the section “Purpose of money transfer”. If you prefer to stay anonymous, please mark your gift “Anonymous”.
It is possible to make a donation in the name of other individual or legal person. Then their name will appear as a donator on the list of donators in the public report on donations received.
You can mark: “In the name of <Name, Surname>” or “In the name of <Name of the legal person>”.
For example:
“Donation. Anonymous”
“Donation. In the name of „ABC company””
If in the section “Purpose of money transfer” the word “Donation” was not mentioned, and there is no other clear indication that the given fund transfer was a donation, then MFD gives to this amount of money a status of "Indefinite fund transfer".
MFD will try to determine the purpose of this particular fund transfer by getting in touch with the ordering customer and so on. After a certain period of time or after determining the real purpose of this particular fund transfer, MFD reserves the right to return the funds to the ordering customer or to declare the funds as a donation.
If filling up the form the ordering customer states any additional information which is not mentioned in these particular rules, MFD reserves the right not to publish that information in public accountability reports. If filling up the form the ordering customer states any portion of information which does not correspond with purposes mentioned in these particular rules or their essence (e.g. obscene or offensive language, etc.), MFD reserves the right not to publish that information in public accountability reports. In such a case, in public accountability report that donation will be accompanied by the note: “No information or information was changed”. The same note will accompany all other donations if due to technical reasons it is impossible to specify name and surname of the donator or in whose name the donation was made and so on. In case, there is any inaccuracy in information concerning your donation placed on this website, please get in touch with Help Program coordinator - phone number (+371)
2. Through the donation boxes located at all MFD branches
- Rusonu Str. 15, Riga,
· MFD Outpatient Hospital„Dziedniecība”
· MFD Diagnostics
· Dental clinic „ASTRA dent”
· Compulsory Health Check service
· Radiology reception 3rd floor
- Vienibas G. 109, Riga, MFD Outpatient Hospital„Pardaugava”
- Aglonas Str. 35/3, Riga, MFD Doctor’s office “Aglonas”
- Maskavas Str. 297, Riga, MFD Doctor’s office “Maskavas”
- S. Eizensteina Str. 23, Riga, MFD Doctor’s office “Mezciems”
- F. Sadovnikova Str. 20, Riga, MFD Visual and functional diagnostics
- Burtnieku Str. 33, Riga, Dental clinic “NovaDent” and Woman's health center "Vita"
- Stabu Str. 52, Riga, Dental clinic “NovaDent”
- Bullu Str. 9, Riga, MFD Outpatient hospital „Ilguciems”
- Bruninieku Str. 8, Riga, Outpatient hospital „Mozums-1”
The donation boxes are emptied once in a month if filled minimum at 1/3. In case a donation box is completely full, it can be emptied earlier.
Collected funds are put into the MFD charity account. In the MFD charity program’s “Help” reports these funds are shown as donations “Charity box (-es) (address)”.
Funds collected through the donation boxes are being spent in the same way as funds donated by transferring them into the MFD charity account.
In what currency are donations being accepted
Donations are being accepted in any currency. But bank account for receiving donations mentioned above is EUR bank account. Therefore all donations made in foreign currency will be automatically converted into euro according to the exchanging rate of the recipient’s bank. So valuation of donations is expressed in EUR, and all financial reports display amounts only in euro.
>>> Charity Program HELP
>>> How much one can donate to a Charity program